Excuses On The Rocks

Forgive me for I have sinned. Well, not really. Basically I was kind of lazy this month, coding wise. Life happened, it seems. Or, excluding that – and to quote Friend of the Site Joseph Heller – Something Happened, and I did not get a chance to tinker with DH coding like I had planned. I was pretty busy at work, and two separate trips to Charlottesville (one to “move” and the other to…actually move) left me pretty spent. At this stage of the project, though, I think reading is in general more important. I can always throw more paint at the wall in RStudio. It is really, really fun. And there is plenty of time for that. So I am okay with how the month went. I think I got a lot done, between busy weekends and working every week day (still adjusting to this whole “do stuff on Fridays” bit).

Plus, I still coded plenty this month. Outside of work, where I have been busy getting Costar’s CMS up to snuff, I also made improvements to this site. It is now fairly responsive, and the color palette more pleasing. I would next like to implement support for images (responsivity is making this trickier than I first thought) and a pleasant “loading bar” view as you might see in an article on HuffPost. I think I can get through these in August.

I also fixed my resume a significant amount. I used LaTeX and it came out pretty well. It’s in this website’s repo.